The month of April he had a 1.5% Conversion rate which a 4.3% ATC %

In the month on May we helped him increase that to 2.6% Conversion Rate with a 5.7% ATC %

Not to Mention in April he was experiencing a 3% (4% ATC - 1% Checkout) drop off in the cart page and that got reduced to 2%(5% ATC - 3% Checkout) in May.


The Challenge

Working with this brand was challenging at the start because his website had a ton of unnecessary code that was effecting everything on the site.

I got rid of most of the unnecessary code, and I was able to put him on a brand new theme to increase his conversion rate.

I was able to increase his conversion from a .8% to a 2.5% conversion rate which is a huge jump.

I am still working with this brand.

The Process

I took a look at all of his marketing materials, all of his website materials, and analyzed his data.

I told him that I just need to change his website and make it more user friendly and you will 100% see more conversions. That happened exactly.

When I increased the conversion rate, I first focussed on his ATC % because he did not have a lot of drop off in his cart page or checkout process. So, we needed to get more customers adding to cart.

From there I made improvement to the cart and checkout pages.

Lastly, I also made email marketing campaigns for him.

My role for him is honestly his marketing manager basically. He comes to me for everything marketing.

The Solution

The month of April he had a 1.5% Conversion rate which a 4.3% ATC %

In the month on May we helped him increase that to 2.6% Conversion Rate with a 5.7% ATC %

Not to Mention in April he was experiencing a 3% (4% ATC - 1% Checkout) drop off in the cart page and that got reduced to 2%(5% ATC - 3% Checkout) in May.

Skills Used

Paid Ads,CRO,Web Development,Marketing Strategy,Email Marketing


Health & Wellness

Results by the numbers

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