Brand-new startup with no previous data
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Paid Ads,SEO,Paid Ads,Content Marketing,Copywriting,Branding
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The first product we decided to focus on was Capabunga. Capabunga is a wine stopper invented by two veterans of the wine industry. The challenge was a low product price point, so we decided to do a bundle set to raise the AOV and create a separate landing page. Before iOS changes, we were able to hit our goal of a 2.2 ROAS on our Facebook campaigns. We've since decided to focus on another product they're getting ready for launch called the Market Tote.
In the world of travel, YOLLO Group Services, Inc. stands as a leading travel agency, specializing in all-inclusive packages for events such as Essence Festival, Urban Fiesta, and NBA All-Star. These packages not only provide access to the hottest events but also offer excursions, party passes, drink specials, and an abundance of fun. As a Manager at YOLLO Group Services, the challenges of email marketing were a roadblock to unlocking their marketing potential. This case study delves into YOLLO Group Services' partnership with Mayple and the transformation that ensued.