Since being brought on, I was able to scale search budgets over 10x while maintaining CPA. I grew the account to the point of recommending they get an in-house search expert as the spend levels were exceeding my time availability to analyze all the data. Through our transparent and honest relationship, I stayed with them while they on-boarded an experienced search manager who could give full time bandwidth, and stayed on to supplement their needs as their product offering continued to grow and evolve.
Wealthsimple is a leading FinTech company in Canada offering customers the ability to invest in various financial instruments such as stocks and crypto coins. I was brought on to manage their paid search while they were aggressively growing in customers acquisition. My goal was to deliver new clients to Wealthsimple at the agreed upon Target cost, while growing spend month over month in line with their overall company growth.
I took over the Google Ads and Bing Ads Search campaigns and was tasked with optimizing and growing them. I was to focus on bringing in customers for their various financial products with differing ARPU's and CPA goals. I helped improve pixel accuracy and detail, as well as managed the search campaigns to grow clients aggressively month over month.
Since being brought on, I was able to scale search budgets over 10x while maintaining CPA. I grew the account to the point of recommending they get an in-house search expert as the spend levels were exceeding my time availability to analyze all the data. Through our transparent and honest relationship, I stayed with them while they on-boarded an experienced search manager who could give full time bandwidth, and stayed on to supplement their needs as their product offering continued to grow and evolve.
Paid Ads,Web Development,Paid Ads,CRO
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On any given day, I am to keep a team of more than 10 people from different countries, cultures and languages on-brand to deliver the message and the image that the company wishes to keep. The biggest challenge is keeping the brand message delivered in a consistent manner while ensuring that each different region feels addressed to directly, in a frank and sincere brand voice.
Pam Vinje and Mike Isbell initially contacted me through UpWork to assist with some issues surrounding click fraud they were seeing on their accounts and needed advice on how to best handle it. I was able to work through the complex problems by researching what was happening and ultimately solving them with a 3rd party solution. As a result of how well it went, they asked me to review and help manage accounts for their business.