While Tweepsmap is a very powerful analytics and engagement tool, the 1M free users it had acquired did not harness the entire power of this platform. My role in this project was educating the free users on the multitude of benefits and problems this platform solves, primarily for businesses, celebrities and influencers. By the end of the project we converted 10% of free users into paid customers, both at premium and enterprise package level.

The Challenge

Product: Twitter analytics and growth app

Challenge: The platform acquired 1M free users organically but very few converted to paid customers

Project scope: Convert free users to paid customers by leveraging email marketing, content marketing and influencer promotions

Results: converted 10% of free users into paid customers, both premium and enterprise

The Process

While Tweepsmap is a very powerful analytics and engagement tool, the 1M free users it had acquired did not harness the entire power of this platform. My role in this project was educating the free users on the multitude of benefits and problems this platform solves, primarily for businesses, celebrities and influencers. By the end of the project we converted 10% of free users into paid customers, both at premium and enterprise package level.

Specific action steps:

  • created multiple email marketing flows for users at different engagement levels, locations and industries (set up flows, email campaign designs, analytics and overall list management) to re-engage users and create brand awareness
  • created multiple email marketing flows for free users with the purpose of converting them into Premium package trial users
  • created multiple email marketing flows for Premium package trial users with the purpose of converting them into paid users
  • created educational YouTube videos, explaining various product features and different use cases; optimized these YouTube videos for increased SEO and brand awareness
  • crafted and published blog articles (product education, industry news, industry education)
  • reached out to influencers and collaborated on promotional campaigns
  • collaborated with customers to create case studies and collect testimonials

The Solution

While Tweepsmap is a very powerful analytics and engagement tool, the 1M free users it had acquired did not harness the entire power of this platform. My role in this project was educating the free users on the multitude of benefits and problems this platform solves, primarily for businesses, celebrities and influencers. By the end of the project we converted 10% of free users into paid customers, both at premium and enterprise package level.

Skills Used

Paid Ads,Branding,Content Marketing,Copywriting,Email Marketing,Marketing Strategy,Marketing Strategy,Public Relations



Results by the numbers

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More Case Study

Angelo David Hair Salon

This client was very particular about the content that went out because it is a luxury hair salon. He works with celebrities and wanted to make sure that his content truly reflected what he did. We were able to capture his brand voice and post consistently. He was very busy so getting imagery was harder for him, we found stock imagery that reflected his brand and made the most out of not having imagery from his salon.

C4 Energy

Every brand wants to go viral on social media for the right reasons. We believe that’s not always up to luck. Rather it’s often up to proper audience alignment between the brand, the publisher content, and the audience.

In Q4 of 2020 we put together a series of placements with Barstool Sports on behalf of C4 Energy. The rate card for those particular placements promised slightly more than 750k views.

By working on nailing the audience alignment the campaign went immediately viral soaring past 9.5 Million views. A huge win coming into the competitive Black Friday weekend.

Dine en blanc

introduce event to madrid for the first time, 2 years n a row




The goal was to expand acquisition campaigns to the Eastern European market. The tracking system was not working very well at that stage.

Omnium Circus

Omnium Circus, a nonprofit circus celebrating inclusivity and diversity, faced a rapid decline in open rates. The Founder/Executive Director sought responsiveness and platform knowledge.

Safar Publications

Safar Publications, an online learning platform, enlisted Mayple's help in optimizing their journeys initiative.

Aviators Market

Aviators Market is a unique platform, allowing individuals to list anything related to the aviation industry for sale. As one of the founder partners, J. Loparo plays a pivotal role in the platform's success.

M1 Concourse

M1 Concourse, a race track and events center, faced challenges with low open rates, click rates, and minimal e-commerce purchases. The Digital Marketing Manager, responsible for email to social media and website efforts, felt they were underutilizing tools.