Increased students by 300% in year one and reduced CPA by more than 50%. Put the organization on solid growth trajectory for another decade to come. produced the first on-demand masterclass with MILK studios that now produces and all-profit return.
Rebrand a 100+ year-old non-profit across 17 countries in 12 languages. Build the first integrated marketing team and increase student reach.
Consolidated 6 international marketing teams into one, rolled up more than 200 social media accounts and deployed an enterprise multi-language CMS to fuel student and subscriber growth while reducing burn. Hired BASE to rebrand the organization after significant internal selling of stakeholders.
Increased students by 300% in year one and reduced CPA by more than 50%. Put the organization on solid growth trajectory for another decade to come. produced the first on-demand masterclass with MILK studios that now produces and all-profit return.
CMO,Paid Ads,Paid Ads,Paid Ads,Paid Ads,Web Development,CRO,Other,Branding,SMS Marketing,Web Development,Public Relations,Other
Nonprofit & Government
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Managed their Google Ads and Amazon ads accounts. Google performed well for them. We were able to drive revenue at about a 600-800% ROAS depending on seasonality. Toward the holidays, we could really ramp up and even see higher ROAS.
Overall, they were happy w/ performance but unfortunately had to cut budgets in late 2020 due to covid/supply chain issues.