Since we started working together they've Benn growing more or less 1000 followers per month.
Get to 10k followers by the end of the year in Instagram
Improve the storytelling.
Increasing sales.
Re-Branding, Web Design, Lead Gen, SEO, SEM, and Software Development.
Social media engagement : paid and organic campaigns.
SEO Strategy and content strategy development.
Lead generation & marketing automation.
Since we started working together they've Benn growing more or less 1000 followers per month.
Paid Ads,Paid Ads,Marketing Strategy,Social Media Management
Food & Drink
Put your e-mail in and we'll arrange a consultation call for you
Melbourne Bushfood came to me with minimal focus on email marketing.
They did not have their automations set up, replenishment reminders or actively communicating and pushing their subscription base.
Being a CPG brand retention, loyalty and referrals are the biggest needle movers for them.
In the heart of Munster, Ottawa, Saunders Farm stands as a 100-acre agri-tourism haven that hosts an array of community events, including festivals, weddings, Farm Camp, Haunting Season, winter festivities, and boasts the largest collection of hedge mazes in North America. As the Marketing Coordinator at Saunders Farm, the challenges of boosting engagement and optimizing their email marketing strategy loomed large. This case study delves into the farm's journey to harness their marketing potential with the assistance of Mayple.