I was able to increase sales to over $10,000 a month and grow website traffic by 200%


The Challenge

Being a small business, one of the biggest challenges you may face is growing your awareness and brand authority, online so that your target audience makes a purchase.

At the time Clean Kiss Organics was struggling to grow its awareness and website traffic, as well as its sales. Since they were a small business and didn't have a great deal of money to invest in ads and campaigns, they wanted to focus primarily on social media marketing but needed a strategic approach to help them get the traction they wanted.

The Process

I always start with understanding what makes a client different? What makes them stand out from their competitors and why would someone want to buy from them, over anyone else. After understanding these selling points, I created content for social media (small graphics and copy) that focused on speaking to customer paint points, highlighting benefits and building a community.

My approach is to never sell directly on social, but rather to entice the following and build communities that are so invested, that they want to check out the website and make a purchase.

The Solution

I was able to increase sales to over $10,000 a month and grow website traffic by 200%

Skills Used

Marketing Strategy,Social Media Management



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