Reduced Cost Per Lead from $25 to $10 with updated copy, images, target audience and landing page design.
Client lists homes and condos for sale in the Chicago area real estate market with Facebook Ads. Wanted to generate better qualified leads at a lower Cost Per Lead which ranged from $25 - $30 per lead.
I provided an audit for the client's Facebook campaigns and made the following updates: did A/B testing for which sequence of carousel photos worked the best and implemented them along with videos. Created two specific audiences for first time homeowners and those looking to move to a new home. Enabled Cost Cap if it exceeded the CPL goal of $15/lead sign up. Also updated the landing page design for the listing, noting the home/condo wasn't for rent and enabled best practices UX/UI design to improve sign up rates. Also enabled ads to appear on Instagram.
Reduced Cost Per Lead from $25 to $10 with updated copy, images, target audience and landing page design.
Paid Ads,Paid Ads,Copywriting,Web Development,CRO
Real Estate
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The major issue this client had was finding someone reliable to strategize and implement email marketing campaigns to their existing list. They have tried several agencies and freelancers, but the quality of work and results were not there.
Peter Pauper Press wanted to establish their own ecommerce presence without damaging the Amazon revenue stream they had already developed for their catalog of books, journals and stationery gifts. Finding the right audience and differentiating the product offering for searchers truly interested in premium paper goods were challenges I needed to overcome in order to deliver profitable campaigns.
The client launched his brand on Amazon, and it became a best seller with over 1,000+ reviews. He was running Amazon PPC Ads himself, but it became a hassle and a worry to check in on it every day with his busy life.
Also, he wasn’t sure if he was doing everything that needed to be done. He was afraid that by doing it himself he could be wasting $1,000’s per month in adspend. So he decided to outsource to an expert.
The Northeastern University Off-Campus Engagement and Support office plays a vital role in assisting NU students during the apartment search process, providing valuable insights into renter's rights, and offering support through available resources. Their communication channels, including newsletters, emails, and social media, are key to connecting with students effectively.