The Challenge

BURST is a top brand in the dental care industry. BURST first came to us when they needed an influencer quote to be aired on QVC that week. With little time to spare, we got them the quote that they needed from Jessica Robertson (Duck Dynasty). We have been running influencer marketing campaigns for BURST ever sense.

The Process

Our influencer marketing campaigns start with a kickoff meeting to identify influencers that best fit the brands image. After the kickoff, the campaign starts! A-List Me sends offers to the influencers, coordinates product shipments, creates content guidelines, approves content, schedules posts, and handles payment to the influencer. We track conversions for each influencer and provide a summary report at the end of each month.

The Solution

Skills Used

Marketing Strategy


Health & Wellness

Results by the numbers

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More Case Study



Giving Masks

As an experienced marketer in the medical supplies space, we identified many challenges during COVID within sourcing quality face masks. Once we had access to quality masks we could actually deliver, it was a big challenge to market these masks, as most channels (Google, Facebook, Amazon) were banning masks from being advertised.



Hot Shapers Colombia

Hot shapers wanted to start selling in the US (Hispanic and not the Hispanic audience). They have a successful brand in Latam but the US was a completely unknown market for them



Kwikly Dental Staffing

Kwikly dental staffing has to tailor to a two sided marketplace. Dental Professionals and Dental Offices. The challenge is meeting the needs of each persona and attracting them in a highly competitive market. In addition it was challenging to find incentives to attract more leads when most are very resistant to change.


They wanted to acquire more athletes & funding through their platform

Northeastern University

The Northeastern University Off-Campus Engagement and Support office plays a vital role in assisting NU students during the apartment search process, providing valuable insights into renter's rights, and offering support through available resources. Their communication channels, including newsletters, emails, and social media, are key to connecting with students effectively.

M1 Concourse

M1 Concourse, a race track and events center, faced challenges with low open rates, click rates, and minimal e-commerce purchases. The Digital Marketing Manager, responsible for email to social media and website efforts, felt they were underutilizing tools.

The Redux Group

The Redux Group, a real estate group in the DC area, faced challenges in consolidating audiences for improved tagging and segmentation. The Marketing Specialist overseeing events and email marketing sought assistance.

Safar Publications

Safar Publications, an online learning platform, enlisted Mayple's help in optimizing their journeys initiative.