The client had a successful business selling their products on Amazon but their own Shopify store sales were slow. Less than $2,000/month in sales from Shopify. They were overly dependant on Amazon which also did not allow them to keep their own customers. Amazon always owned the customers.
We started working with them on a very small scale with some advertising on Instagram and Facebook. Immediately sales on their store took off. We took them from from selling $60,000 to $655,000+ on their Shopify store.
In 2021 the client doubled their annual sales thanks to the help from our advertising efforts. Had it not been for them running out of inventory right before Q4, we would have certainly tripled their sales year over year.
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The client organizes fun tournaments for college students around the US.
Their eCommerce store showcases various apparel products they sell to raise funds and support their operation. They asked us to build their automated email marketing flows from scratch and had ZERO revenue from email.
Movo Photo was using Kickstarter to launch a new product and needed to generate leads to join their email list. The challenge was being able to capture leads from Facebook at a profitable level and turn them into email subscribers so they would be able to capture momentum once the Kickstarter launched out of the gate.