In two months, their email revenue has grown severalfold.
Thought Cloud enlisted DIDO AGENCY to create a more consistent, frequent, and aligned communication strategy and expand their branding to their consumers’ inboxes.
First, we scrubbed Thought Cloud email list, removing any non-active email addresses to optimize list quality. Then, we created seven foundational campaigns to peak the interest of consumers and keep them interested long term. Once we added campaigns aligning with national holidays and seasons to increase purchase opportunities.
In two months, their email revenue has grown severalfold.
Email Marketing,Marketing Strategy,Copywriting,Branding
Health & Wellness
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The University of Valley Forge was founded in 1939 and is part of an international network of Assemblies of God colleges and universities. A private university with undergraduate, graduate, and lifelong learning programs, our mission is to prepare individuals for a life of service and leadership in the church and in the world.
With the increasing demand for the brand and expanding, as a result of our marketing efforts, it's become challenging keeping up with the expansion to new locations around the country. We are now working on marketing calendars, new strategies, and incorporating all new locations into this to have a unified brand.
The Northeastern University Off-Campus Engagement and Support office plays a vital role in assisting NU students during the apartment search process, providing valuable insights into renter's rights, and offering support through available resources. Their communication channels, including newsletters, emails, and social media, are key to connecting with students effectively.
In the world of travel, YOLLO Group Services, Inc. stands as a leading travel agency, specializing in all-inclusive packages for events such as Essence Festival, Urban Fiesta, and NBA All-Star. These packages not only provide access to the hottest events but also offer excursions, party passes, drink specials, and an abundance of fun. As a Manager at YOLLO Group Services, the challenges of email marketing were a roadblock to unlocking their marketing potential. This case study delves into YOLLO Group Services' partnership with Mayple and the transformation that ensued.
University of Georgia, SNAP-Ed, a vital organization funded by the Georgia Department of Human Services, plays a pivotal role in providing Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program education (SNAP-Ed) across the state. This case study delves into their collaboration with Mayple, which led to significant improvements in email engagement, content delivery, and overall outreach strategy.