$783 in sales in the first 14 days of advertising.
Average of 283% ROAS
The highest ad set ROAS of 447% and lowest ad set ROAS of 154%
Cost per purchase of $12.99
This was a brand new store that needed to build sales from the ground up. The client was not doing social posting, Google Ads, or any other form of marketing to bring in sales. Facebook Ads were the only source of traffic.
When working with this client, I wrote the product copy to optimize it for paid ads. Then ad copy, images, and videos were designed to grab attention. All poor performing ads and ad sets were paused to improve cost per purchase.
$783 in sales in the first 14 days of advertising.
Average of 283% ROAS
The highest ad set ROAS of 447% and lowest ad set ROAS of 154%
Cost per purchase of $12.99
Paid Ads,Paid Ads,Web Development,Copywriting
Style & Fashion
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The University of Valley Forge was founded in 1939 and is part of an international network of Assemblies of God colleges and universities. A private university with undergraduate, graduate, and lifelong learning programs, our mission is to prepare individuals for a life of service and leadership in the church and in the world.
The Northeastern University Off-Campus Engagement and Support office plays a vital role in assisting NU students during the apartment search process, providing valuable insights into renter's rights, and offering support through available resources. Their communication channels, including newsletters, emails, and social media, are key to connecting with students effectively.
Join us on a journey into the world of small business marketing, where a unique paint-your-own pottery studio, The Mad Potter, faced challenges with their email marketing strategy. As a one-person marketing team, their Marketing Manager embarked on a quest to enhance engagement, improve metrics, and sustain growth. Discover how partnering with Mayple transformed their email marketing approach, making it more personalized and effective, ultimately leading to increased open rates and confidence in their marketing efforts. This is the story of The Mad Potter, a testament to the power of strategic collaboration with Mayple.