We were able to deliver tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars per month in revenue from new customers.


The Challenge

Client runs a $100 million/year B2B ecommerce brand (owned by Berkshire Hathaway) selling raw product and manufacturing supplies to jewelry designers. They were always scared of launching with paid ads, as their previous experiences were that they just reached their existing customers; who would have purchased anyways.

The Process

Our team devised a layered strategy to target and exclude their existing prospects and customers, to ensure that all advertising was focused on net new customers. We helped them with their Google Ads, Shopping & Microsoft campaigns, driving new customer acquisition successfully.

The Solution

We were able to deliver tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars per month in revenue from new customers.

Skills Used

Paid Ads,Google Shopping,Paid Ads,Web Development


Style & Fashion

Results by the numbers

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The Little Italy Association of San Diego is a 501(c)(3) public benefit corporation that was established in 1996 to oversee and expedite the revitalization and beautification of the Little Italy neighborhood in Downtown San Diego. The Association represents the property owners, residents, and businesses of Little Italy.




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