The Challenge

The Process

The Solution

Skills Used

Marketing Strategy,Branding,Branding,Other


Food & Drink

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More Case Study


SendGrid was a well-established email API frequently used by businesses for transactional email use cases, attempting to break into the email marketing space with an email marketing campaign. After around two years of struggling to break into email marketing, marketing leaders were interested in a way to build more content marketing traffic to the site via organic search channels. Problem was, email marketing is an extremely difficult vertical for content marketing.


iKippahs brand is a DTC premium fashion brand with a small finite audience.

They had a small budget to get ROI positive.

Lots of competition in the space.

Well Told Health

  • Aggressively expand market share and scale growth
  • Support retail growth of key retailers & key hyper targeted audiences

David Von

The client had the following challenges:

  1. Low email marketing revenues
  2. No email marketing strategy
  3. No optimization on the Klaviyo account
  4. Low repeat customers

Saunders Farm

In the heart of Munster, Ottawa, Saunders Farm stands as a 100-acre agri-tourism haven that hosts an array of community events, including festivals, weddings, Farm Camp, Haunting Season, winter festivities, and boasts the largest collection of hedge mazes in North America. As the Marketing Coordinator at Saunders Farm, the challenges of boosting engagement and optimizing their email marketing strategy loomed large. This case study delves into the farm's journey to harness their marketing potential with the assistance of Mayple.

My Construction Payroll

In the competitive realm of construction payroll services, myconstructionpayroll (MC) found itself facing challenges in maximizing its marketing potential. Struggling with ineffective email marketing strategies and underutilized tools, the company sought a solution to elevate its engagement, metrics, and overall growth.

American Printing House for the Blind

The American Printing House for the Blind faced challenges with Mailchimp set up using audiences instead of groups. The Marketing/Communications department sought Mayple's expertise.

Select Software Reviews

:Unleash your marketing potential with Mayple and embark on a journey to amplify your business's reach and engagement. SSR, a leading authority in tech reviews for the HR, recruitment, and PeopleOps landscape, encountered unique challenges in their email marketing strategy. As the Senior Content Marketing Editor, they needed to address audience engagement and reporting hurdles. This is the story of SSR, a testament to how a strategic partnership with Mayple enhanced their email marketing approach and boosted their KPIs.