A brand-consistent website that provides EDP ideal customers with a pleasant UX and clear copy.

The Challenge

EDP needed a professional website built, designed, and optimized for their commercial cinematography business. The target audience was high-end local businesses seeking a top-notched marketing team that handled everything from casting to ad management.

The Process

Step 1: Get to know everything about EDP and it's audience

Step 2: Visualize, draft, and gain the approval of website layout/style

Step 3: Draft website copy

Step 4: Refine with client

Step 5: Put all the pieces together (back-end and front-end)

Step 6: Optimize for SEO

Step 7: Publish

The Solution

A brand-consistent website that provides EDP ideal customers with a pleasant UX and clear copy.

Skills Used

Copywriting,Content Marketing,Web Development


Professional Services

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