The conversion rate on the website increased from 1.61% (August - December) to 2.12% (January - May). I was also able to generate a $4.81 ROAS and a $34 CPA.
Crossnet is a revolutionary four-way volleyball game. I started advertising for Crossnet on Facebook and Instagram right before the start of the Covid 19 pandemic. As nationwide lockdowns began, the product started selling quickly. Pretty soon the product went on backorder which caused shipping delays, which ultimately affected ad performance. I worked with the Crossnet team and Facebook to make sure complaints about shipping didn't affect delivery and performance, and ensured that ads and the website had ample warning of shipping delays due to the pandemic.
I utilized a full-funnel strategy across Facebook and Instagram, which included video view campaigns at the top of the funnel to create awareness. I also used brand videos at the top of the funnel for conversion campaigns and experimented with a variety of new formats on the mid and lower funnel conversion campaigns, including image, vertical video, slideshow video and carousels. I also launched regional campaigns that utilized creative specific to that area. For instance, coastal areas used images and videos that featured individuals playing on the beach, while colder climates got images and videos of individuals playing in gyms. I created all ad content and wrote all ad copy for this project.
The conversion rate on the website increased from 1.61% (August - December) to 2.12% (January - May). I was also able to generate a $4.81 ROAS and a $34 CPA.
Paid Ads,Paid Ads,Content Marketing,Copywriting
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For Singapore Grand Prix, the tickets always sell out, but the challenge was to sell out as soon as possible, by targeting and reaching those who are more likely to purchase the tickets. This required optimizing the media channels and targeting in order to increase online transactions and reducing the cost per transaction.
University of Georgia, SNAP-Ed, a vital organization funded by the Georgia Department of Human Services, plays a pivotal role in providing Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program education (SNAP-Ed) across the state. This case study delves into their collaboration with Mayple, which led to significant improvements in email engagement, content delivery, and overall outreach strategy.
For businesses in the ever-evolving world of e-commerce, optimizing email marketing is the key to success. Feedmark Ltd, an e-commerce company, realized the importance of enhancing their email marketing strategy to boost engagement and ensure customer trust. This case study delves into how their partnership with Mayple ushered in a new era of growth and success.