AIO Systems specializes in the development and design of unique command and control solutions for sites from afar. The company has developed a system that fully administers control rooms and can digitally manage remote sites. Our goal was to raise the company’s brand and design quality and create an improved image that will set it apart from its competitors.
The company's target market is a very small and specific one, so the challenge was to pinpoint the messages and designs on the website in order to attract the relevant audience. the project was conducted on very short schedules, due to the numerous conferences and company events.
We conducted thorough research that included precise target customer characterization, as well as testing procedures, to indicate what would work to attract the right audience. In addition, we hired no less than 8 designers at a time to work in parallel.
Web Development,Web Development
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BudgetNet had established itself as a highly respected provider of NDIS plan management services over their short history.
Their growth had been on the back of word of mouth, referrals and paid search.
With more and more competition entering the market, however, they had noticed their cost per click and return on investment on paid search campaigns get slowly chipped away.
They knew that longer-term, they needed an SEO strategy in place to protect their online presence in the market.
The Northeastern University Off-Campus Engagement and Support office plays a vital role in assisting NU students during the apartment search process, providing valuable insights into renter's rights, and offering support through available resources. Their communication channels, including newsletters, emails, and social media, are key to connecting with students effectively.