Drove business revenue by:

  • 125% YoY at 104% higher Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) for subsidiary.
  • 28% YoY at 39% higher ROAS for parent brand.

The Challenge

Growing the brand through digital media expansion and optimization, despite a volatile market during COVID.

The Process

My role was to rebuild the digital marketing discipline. We moved from an underresourced contractor relationship to performance agreement with agency, allowing for campaign restructures and significant growth YoY. Fully re-architected reporting infrastructure and worked with BI team to implement new reporting suite.

The Solution

Drove business revenue by:

  • 125% YoY at 104% higher Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) for subsidiary.
  • 28% YoY at 39% higher ROAS for parent brand.
Skills Used

Paid Ads,Paid Ads,Paid Ads,Other,Web Development,CRO,Paid Ads,Paid Ads,Paid Ads,Web Development,Paid Ads,Marketing Strategy,Branding,Content Marketing,Other,Web Development,Email Marketing,Marketing Strategy,SEO,Social Media Management,Branding,Web Development,Web Development


Travel & Leisure

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More Case Study


Haiti Now is a non-profit organization that seeks to give economic empowerment to girls in Haiti’s Restavek system through education and a safe environment. The organization, however, was not receiving enough money in donations to support their mission, thus leading the CEO to come to the conclusion that the issue might have to do with the website's User Experience.

My role as a UX Researcher and Designer was to optimize the website for growth so that Haiti Now could have the impact that it seeks. The website was busy, had outdated copy, and had a lot of information that had to be re-arranged in a more user-friendly manner.



Travel for Teens

  • Enhance lead conversion on website
  • Maintain low cost per lead
  • Acquire new customers
  • Increase visibility to new customers via online search
  • Target specific prospects in demographic in specific markets
  • Maximize marketing return on investment 



Mega Viral Store

Create the ecommerce brand from zero


"ClickCease™ will track each and every click on your search network, display and shopping campaigns. Taking into account IP and IP range, unique device, VPN, your unique settings and more."

We help ClickCease with their CRO efforts and struggles on order to improve the flow and provide more detailed info!

Lake Art Glass

Lake Superior Art Glass, an art gallery and teaching studio, faced challenges in managing audience segments and implementing best practices. The Marketing Coordinator sought Mayple's guidance.


Ready to revolutionize your marketing approach? Partner with Mayple and embark on a transformative journey toward enhanced engagement, improved metrics, and sustained growth. Contact us today to explore tailored strategies that will redefine your marketing trajectory.

Film Independent

Film Independent, a nonprofit arts organization serving filmmakers, sought to grow its audience and automate data processes. The Marketing and Communications team looked to Mayple for assistance.

My Construction Payroll

In the competitive realm of construction payroll services, myconstructionpayroll (MC) found itself facing challenges in maximizing its marketing potential. Struggling with ineffective email marketing strategies and underutilized tools, the company sought a solution to elevate its engagement, metrics, and overall growth.