We were able to not only grow PPC revenue for Warehouse Lighting, but also saw a 25% improvement in ROAS due to vigilant SQR reviews for negative keyword opportunities as well as product level analysis to identify top and poor performers in Shopping campaigns
Warehouse Lighting is an e-commerce store that primarily sells lighting fixtures to businesses, but some of their lighting products also appealed to home owners. By segmenting out search campaigns by search intent we were able to successfully target both B2B and B2C buyers.
I was the PPC lead doing both strategy and implementation on Google Ads and Bing Ads.
We were utilized the following strategies to meet and exceed their revenue and ROAS targets --
We were able to not only grow PPC revenue for Warehouse Lighting, but also saw a 25% improvement in ROAS due to vigilant SQR reviews for negative keyword opportunities as well as product level analysis to identify top and poor performers in Shopping campaigns
Paid Ads,Google Shopping,Paid Ads
Home & Garden
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