Raw Fountain Juice automated emails increased their monthly email revenue from 30% to 47%!

The Challenge

Prior to working with DIDO AGENCY, their profit margins were typically strong, but they weren't fully utilizing their network of previous buyers. Raw Fountain Juice discovered that in order to stay in touch with customers between transactions, it needed to improve its marketing efforts.

The Process

First, we scrubbed Raw Fountain Juice email list, removing any non-active email addresses to optimize list quality. Then, we created seven foundational campaigns to peak the interest of consumers and keep them interested long term. Once we added campaigns aligning with national holidays and seasons to increase purchase opportunities. 

The Solution

Raw Fountain Juice automated emails increased their monthly email revenue from 30% to 47%!

Skills Used

Email Marketing,Marketing Strategy,Copywriting,Branding


Food & Drink

Results by the numbers

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As a Digital Media Analyst + Buyer on Target.com team, one of my main priorities and challenges was securing enough digital inventory each month to hit vendor expectations and increase brand awareness, lead generation/acquisition and product sales, while transitioning internal CRM platforms to Salesforce.



Clay By Steph

Helping them scale from spending $2k per month to over $9k while keeping between a 2-3x return when I was done. I also introduced Google Shopping and search which was brand new to the brand.



Gourmet India

This was a brand new restaurant and they had zero online assets and no presence online, which for a restaurant means certain death. So they needed to get on the popular and more established platforms like Google Search, Facebook, and Instagram and we're currently working on an organic TikTok strategy to really blow up our exposure and the number of daily orders coming in.

I helped to create the website on WordPress and set up the foods they sell on WooCommerce so we could use that as a catalog to promote on Facebook, IG, Google Shopping, and other product awareness placements.

The main goal has been to generate customers for their lunch buffet and get exposure for dine-ins at night.

Blue Coffee Box

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