36.77% ACOS $614,478


The Challenge

The Challenge

Prior to working with Diogenes Solutions, the team at Gakken focused their efforts on Amazon Marketing with no Success usually just opting for automatic Amazon PPC campaigns that were costly and not profitable.

To position itself as a Top selling children’s book company, Gakken would have to prioritize targeted manual PPC campaigns. They would need to focus on ASIN targeting competitor products. Book targeting needs to be conservative in bidding and hyper targeted.

The Gakken team sought me out as the right person to take on the challenge.

The goal was to refine Gakkens PPC targeting with manual Selection, identify high-impact keywords, Categories and Products as well as display ads to fill topic gaps throughout the funnel, and ultimately, grow traffic and conversions.

The Process

The Strategy

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to Amazon PPC campaigns.

To grow organic search rankings, I recognized the need for a full revamp of the current content library to include very Target specific Keywords & Products that are hyper targeted for the Niche Gakken was looking for Children’s Activity Books for Ages 2-3. I let go of broad Automatic campaigns and focused on Manual Targeting. Also what is important with certain products especially books is to target product pages rather then higher cost keywords.

My Strategy Paid off and dropped Acos by 75% and holding it steady in low 20s. Over the past 6 months Gakken has made $600,000 in sales only through Amazon PPC! My nominal cost for creating and maintaining the campaigns was a drop in the bucket compared to the Massive amount of profit they have generated with my services.

The Solution

36.77% ACOS $614,478

Skills Used

Paid Ads


Art & Entertainment

Results by the numbers

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With such a large account, Salesforce APAC needed support from an Agency to audit and review their Google Ads setup and then implement the recommended and approved changes.


Conversion Rate

Gemstone Therapy Institute

Gemstone Therapy Institute is a provider of medical-grade therapy tools and alternative healing certifications to individuals and practitioners. After a recent re-branding and domain change, Gemstone Therapy Institute was having difficulty ranking in the search engines for their core high-value keywords as well as producing qualified organic traffic. Gemstone Therapy Institute required my services as an SEO expert to analyze their organic position, create a SEO action plan/roadmap and execute on the SEO plan to increase organic performance.




I had a wonderful experience working with Vakilsearch in promoting their brand through different social media channels. Since Vakilsearch was a legal service provider, I learnt the techniques and tactics often used to promote such brands. Having worked with a B2C company, I would be analysing their customers' problems and stress upon them in offering good and best deals. India is a diversified country and thus, every state has different protocols, regulations and law system, nevertheless, the fundamental lies the same. For instance, the GST registration process varies in each state. The terms and jargons mentioned were challenging, however, in due course, I became an expert in writing more than 20 service pages and 200+ blogs for them.



Pure Greens

For this project I had to help to work with the content marketing team to come up with an offer to advertise on social and acquire an email list.

They created a free guide related to the product we were selling and I helped with creating a advertising strategy, creating the landing page, and integrating it with our email marketing software.

The challenge was that we never promoted an offer and we had zero data or emails to leverage.


Ready to revolutionize your marketing approach? Partner with Mayple and embark on a transformative journey toward enhanced engagement, improved metrics, and sustained growth. Contact us today to explore tailored strategies that will redefine your marketing trajectory.

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