+253.13% Increase in Conversions

Within a few months, we saw a continual month-on-month growth in conversions.

Comparing the start and end date of our campaign, conversion rate had increased by 189.19%.

-51.43% Decrease in Cost Per Conversion

Evolution Laser Clinic's cost per conversion decreased exponentially after refining several of their Google Ads targeting attributes to produce the best return on investment.


The Challenge

While Evolution Laser Clinic had worked with an agency previously, they were not nearly achieving the results they would have liked from their Google Ads campaigns. After auditing their account, I discovered a basic Google Ads set-up that lacked ‘intent’ targeting and poorly tracked conversions. I had proposed the following;

  • Amend their lack of accurate tracking.
  • Propose new Remarketing and Google Search Ads strategies.
  • Create highly segmented campaigns for each clinical service.

The Process

The biggest issue was the lack of proper tracking which made it difficult to track the accuracy of the campaigns. I had started off first with tracking implementation and then curated a new Google Ads campaign build strategy. Items in the strategy include:

  • Setting up a more accurate tracking method of all conversion elements.
  • Looking into creating more service and location-specific campaigns.
  • Finding the best-performing ads for the client.
  • Auditing conversion/goal tracking across all accounts.
  • Putting together monthly reporting for both clients and experts.
  • Researching long-tail keywords to test for lower CPCs. One of the most effective strategies was to create individual non-branded campaigns for their services, including ad-group variations of keywords for the same service.
  • Utilising ad extensions and demographic targeting to narrow down the target audience

The Solution

+253.13% Increase in Conversions

Within a few months, we saw a continual month-on-month growth in conversions.

Comparing the start and end date of our campaign, conversion rate had increased by 189.19%.

-51.43% Decrease in Cost Per Conversion

Evolution Laser Clinic's cost per conversion decreased exponentially after refining several of their Google Ads targeting attributes to produce the best return on investment.

Skills Used

Paid Ads


Health & Wellness

Results by the numbers

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