April 2021: Spend & Return


Spend: $42.3k

Profit: $537.3k

ROAS: 12.8x


Spend: $240k

Profit: $1.294MM

ROAS: 5.4x

May 2021: Spend & Return (IOS 14 update decreased ROAS here)


Spend: $48.6k

Profit: $401.4k

ROAS: 8.3x


Spend: $293k

Profit: $1.235MM

ROAS: 4.2x


The Challenge

Scale Brand at a 4x ROAS

The Process

Thanks to a robust Google Shopping strategy, I was able to achieve an extremely high ROAS for the month of April & May. In addition to this, I tested tons of creative on FB allowing us to scale to a $250k+ mo spend with over a 4x ROAS after the IOS 14 update.

The Solution

April 2021: Spend & Return


Spend: $42.3k

Profit: $537.3k

ROAS: 12.8x


Spend: $240k

Profit: $1.294MM

ROAS: 5.4x

May 2021: Spend & Return (IOS 14 update decreased ROAS here)


Spend: $48.6k

Profit: $401.4k

ROAS: 8.3x


Spend: $293k

Profit: $1.235MM

ROAS: 4.2x

Skills Used

Paid Ads,Google Shopping,Paid Ads,Paid Ads,Paid Ads,Paid Ads,Paid Ads


Style & Fashion

Results by the numbers

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More Case Study




Never done paid media and was only in UK, want to launch in US




Founded by CEO Don Halpern, the company's chief competitive advantage is their products' unique patented features and material that prevent the bag from being opened or broken into. Their product features are unique and cannot be found with any other companies on the market. In 2017, Loctote was featured on Shark Tank where they successfully garnered an investment deal with Shark Tank investor Robert Herjavec. The company successfully established eCommerce and wholesale distribution channels but needed help improving the profitability of their paid advertising strategy for their eCommerce channel. When we began working with the Loctote company, they were experiencing issues that were interfering with the profitability of their paid advertising channels. While the company’s initial online advertising campaigns had been successful in the beginning, over time due to the increasing complexity and competitiveness of advertising platforms, the ad campaigns had declined in performance. Due to these issues, the company was experiencing a downturn in online revenue, an increase in wasted ad spend, and a decline in ROAS across all online advertising channels.




I inherited this account for both adwords and Fb paid media. Cost per leads were way above industry standards at $300 CPL




Small market share.

Northeastern University

The Northeastern University Off-Campus Engagement and Support office plays a vital role in assisting NU students during the apartment search process, providing valuable insights into renter's rights, and offering support through available resources. Their communication channels, including newsletters, emails, and social media, are key to connecting with students effectively.

Any Place

In the bustling world of remote work and corporate travel, Anyplace, a provider of flexible-term furnished apartment rentals, seeks to stand out. Their mission is clear: provide quality accommodations equipped with reliable, gigabit-speed internet for remote workers, corporate travelers, and creatives. Email marketing plays a crucial role in building trust and credibility with their audience, helping them convert subscribers into loyal customers.

Lake Art Glass

Lake Superior Art Glass, an art gallery and teaching studio, faced challenges in managing audience segments and implementing best practices. The Marketing Coordinator sought Mayple's guidance.

Aviators Market

Aviators Market is a unique platform, allowing individuals to list anything related to the aviation industry for sale. As one of the founder partners, J. Loparo plays a pivotal role in the platform's success.