Improved Shopping ads ROAS from 286% to 432%. Improved Search ads ROAS from 164% to 378%. Overall ROAS of 405% after working with the client for about 6 months. Improved conversion to 2.14% after updating product description with bullet points that balanced the products benefits and features. 


The Challenge

eCommerce cosmetics and skincare products wanted to improve Google and Bing Shopping and Search Ads. ROAS was about 220% overall and wanted to improve to 350% or more. Also wanted to improve conversion rate for product pages from 0.74% to 1.0%.

The Process

Provided an audit for improvements. Discovered their ideal customer demographic (age, income, interests), adjusted bid strategy, implemented Smart Shopping ads with targeted Return On Ad Spend strategy, and rebuilt all their Search campaigns targeting the brand name and generic search terms. Also provided new copy for their product page to improve conversion rate. 

The Solution

Improved Shopping ads ROAS from 286% to 432%. Improved Search ads ROAS from 164% to 378%. Overall ROAS of 405% after working with the client for about 6 months. Improved conversion to 2.14% after updating product description with bullet points that balanced the products benefits and features. 

Skills Used

Paid Ads,Google Shopping,CRO



Results by the numbers

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