Seakura: More Clicks for Lower Cost
Read how Mayple helps Seakura, a seaweed-based nutrition supplement brand, get more traffic and sales for a lower cost.

Published November 18, 2023.

Seakura sells seaweed-based nutrition supplements. The brand promotes its dietary supplements through Facebook Ads and Google Display Network. Since their products are not an impulsive purchase but rather a researched decision, we suggested they add content marketing to their sales funnel through Taboola to increase awareness. Thus, indirectly lowering the cost of CPC’s and increasing awareness for their target audiences.
Fun fact: Seakura's seaweeds are grown on land, to protect the ocean environment. How cool is that, ah?
The actual CPCs (cost per click) they were getting with Facebook Ads and Google Ads meant their digital activity was non-profitable (negative ROI).
What we did
We created a set of different native content campaigns aligned with Taboola’s best practices - One campaign per article divided by device and even by OS in order to have more control and better optimize CPCs which were the client’s main KPI.
We performed ongoing optimization of the best performing Ads, and bid adjustment by site based on CTR and CPC while excluding sites that were not effective. All this with a rigorous A/B testing approach on ads (Titles and Thumbnails).
Campaigns were targeted to custom-audiences created from their website and from the Seakura’s CRM system.
For articles on Seakura’s website, optimization was based on website-based events for interactions such as scrolling and time-on-site.
Results (before / after)
Within the first month, CPCs (cost per click) were cut by 2.3 and by the second month, CPCs were 4 times less. Starting CPC was 0.78$ for a CTR (click-through rate)of 0.12% (vCTR - viewable click-through rate - of 0.43%) and we managed to lower CPC to 0.19$ for a CTR 0.36% (vCTR of 0.81%).