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The Perfect Balance: Leveraging AI and Human Interaction in Customer Success

Is there room for AI in customer success? Does it help? We dove into the topic -- here's what we learned.

By Mayple

Updated July 15, 2024.

AI and human interaction in customer success

To stay on top of the game, achieving growth is more than just a goal—it's a need. 

Businesses are increasingly moving away from high-touch service, primarily due to the challenges associated with scaling operations while still meeting dynamic customer needs. High-touch service typically requires significant human interaction with and personalized attention to each customer, which can become difficult to maintain as businesses grow. 

Here are a few of the challenges that make high-touch service difficult to scale: :

  1. Cost considerations: High-touch service is expensive, with higher training costs and personnel expenses.

  2. Scalability issues: It's hard to replicate personalized service as operations expand, requiring additional skilled personnel and training.

  3. Competitive pressures: Businesses need to differentiate through innovation and efficiency, sometimes opting for technology-driven solutions over traditional, high-touch service.

  4. Operational efficiency: Streamlining operations is critical for growth, but high-touch service can lead to inefficiencies and longer response times.

Striking a balance between personalized service and operational efficiency is key to navigating these challenges and sustaining growth.

So how can businesses maintain a human touch in an increasingly digital landscape? 

The role of technology in customer success

The first step in finding a balance is understanding the role of technology in modern customer success operations. 

Digital tools and AI have revolutionized Customer Success (CS) by automating repetitive tasks, providing real-time data, and enabling scalable solutions. 

AI can analyze customer behavior and predict potential issues, allowing CS teams to proactively address problems before escalating. For instance, chatbots and automated messaging systems can handle common queries, freeing CS representatives to focus on more complex issues requiring a human touch.

Gen AI in customer success statistics


Customer success situations where AI excels

AI can be incredibly effective in specific scenarios by enhancing efficiency and providing immediate responses. 

Here are some key areas where AI can manage customer interactions

Routine queries 

AI-powered chatbots can handle frequently asked questions and common issues, including tasks like password resets, order status inquiries, and basic troubleshooting. 

Data analysis and insights

AI can process vast amounts of data quickly, identifying trends that human analysis might miss. These insights enable CS teams to gain actionable insights and make data-driven decisions.

Predictive maintenance

AI can predict potential issues before they occur by analyzing usage patterns and customer behavior. This proactive approach can reduce downtime and improve customer satisfaction.

24/7 support

AI systems can provide round-the-clock support, ensuring that customer queries are addressed even outside regular business hours. 

24/7 support is particularly valuable for global companies with customers in different time zones.

The human element: why it still matters

Despite the advantages of technology, the human element remains indispensable in Customer Success. 

Relying solely on technology can lead to a disconnect with customers, diminishing the personalized experience they expect and deserve.

A study by PwC revealed that 74% of customers prefer to interact with a real person, even as the technology for automated solutions improves.

Personal interactions help build trust, foster strong relationships, and provide a deeper understanding of customer needs. Human CS representatives can empathize with customer frustrations, provide tailored solutions, and deliver a level of service that automated systems cannot match.

AI vs human customer support stats


Customer success situations where human interaction is crucial

Despite the capabilities of AI, certain situations demand the nuanced understanding and empathy that only humans can provide. 

This is particularly true for scaled customer segments, which often have minimal resources and are juggling multiple responsibilities. These customers need more than just automated responses; they need a helping hand and reassurance that they are on the right track and aligned with industry standards.

Complex problem solving

Issues that are multifaceted or require deep domain knowledge often require human intervention. Human representatives can assess the situation holistically, considering nuances and subtleties that AI might overlook.

Emotional support 

When customers are frustrated or upset, human empathy and understanding are critical. A human CS representative can listen, empathize, and provide reassurance, turning a potentially negative experience into a positive one

Relationship building

Building long-term relationships with customers requires personal interactions. Human representatives can engage in meaningful conversations, understand customer goals, and offer tailored advice, fostering trust and loyalty.

Strategic guidance 

For high-value customers or strategic accounts, human interaction is essential. 

CS teams can work closely with these customers to understand their unique needs and provide customized solutions that drive mutual success.

Supporting scaled customer segments

Scaled customers often lack the resources and capacity to navigate complex platforms on their own. These segments need personalized guidance to utilize products and services effectively. 

Human interactions provide the necessary support and reassurance, helping these customers feel confident that their actions are aligned with industry best practices.


When an issue escalates beyond routine troubleshooting, human intervention is necessary. 

Human representatives can navigate complex scenarios, coordinate with other departments, and ensure a satisfactory resolution.

The misconception and correction

There is a common misconception that high-value customers require human interaction exclusively, while scaled segments can suffice with AI-driven solutions. 

However, this approach overlooks the nuanced needs of scaled customers, who may have minimal resources and juggle multiple responsibilities. These customers not only need assistance in navigating complex platforms but also crave reassurance that they are aligned with industry standards and best practices. 

Thus, proactive human interactions are equally essential for these segments to ensure they receive personalized guidance and support required to meet their unique business goals.

Striking the right balance

Effective Customer Success hinges on the seamless integration of technology and human interaction. 

By striking this balance, businesses can deliver exceptional service that not only resolves issues efficiently but also nurtures strong customer relationships.

1. Use AI for efficiency, humans for empathy

Incorporating AI into Customer Success operations can streamline routine tasks like ticket routing and initial inquiries. 

Automation frees up human agents to focus on complex problem-solving, strategic planning, and providing personalized support. This ensures customers receive the attention and expertise they need while feeling valued and understood.

2. Personalize digital interactions

Harness AI-driven analytics to personalize digital interactions. By leveraging customer data, businesses can tailor communications and recommendations to align with individual preferences and behaviors. 

The goal is to create digital experiences that feel warm and personable, closely mirroring the empathy of human interaction.

3. Train CS teams on technology

Empower Customer Success teams with comprehensive training on utilizing technology effectively. 

Continuous learning programs keep agents abreast of the latest AI tools and methodologies, enabling them to integrate these advancements into their daily workflows. This ensures that technology serves as a tool to enhance, not replace, the human touch in customer interactions.

4. Gather and act on feedback

Actively solicit feedback from customers on both digital and human interactions. 

Combining qualitative insights with quantitative data provides a holistic view of the customer experience. This information is invaluable for refining strategies and ensuring that technology-driven enhancements genuinely improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.

5. Maintain a human touch in automated processes

Even within automated processes, strive to maintain a human touch. For instance, incorporating personalized video messages or scheduling follow-up calls from a human representative can significantly enhance the perceived sincerity and care behind automated communications.

In essence, effective Customer Success today is about leveraging technology to scale operations while preserving the human element crucial for building lasting customer relationships. By embracing this integrated approach, businesses can deliver personalized, empathetic service that meets the diverse needs and expectations of modern customers.

Ai and chatbots expectations


Case studies and success stories

Many leading companies have successfully integrated technology and human interaction in their Customer Success (CS) strategies, demonstrating that AI and human touch can coexist to provide an optimal customer experience:


Zendesk has implemented AI-driven chatbots to handle initial customer queries, significantly reducing response times. 

These chatbots can manage routine questions such as password resets and order statuses, which frees up human agents to focus on more complex and emotionally nuanced issues. 

Despite the efficiency of their AI systems, Zendesk maintains high customer satisfaction by ensuring that human agents follow up on interactions when needed. Blending AI efficiency and human empathy allows Zendesk to deliver personalized, high-touch service even as they scale.


Salesforce leverages AI to analyze customer data and predict potential issues, allowing their CS team to proactively address concerns before they escalate. 

AI helps Salesforce to manage a large volume of customer interactions efficiently. However, Salesforce still relies heavily on human interaction for strategic guidance and complex problem-solving. 

This combination of AI-driven insights and human expertise ensures that customers receive both the efficiency of automation and the personalized support they need.


HubSpot uses automated email workflows to deliver timely information and updates to customers. 

These workflows are designed to handle routine communications and provide customers with essential resources. However, HubSpot also integrates personalized outreach from their CS representatives to build stronger relationships and address individual customer needs. This human touch is particularly crucial for scaled customer segments that may lack the resources to navigate complex platforms on their own. 

By combining automation with personalized support, HubSpot has achieved higher engagement and customer retention rates, demonstrating that human interaction remains vital to its CS strategy.


Embracing technology is essential for modern Customer Success, but it should not come at the expense of human interaction. By integrating AI and digital tools with personalized, empathetic customer service, businesses can enhance efficiency while maintaining the personal connections that build trust and loyalty. 

The future of Customer Success lies in a balanced approach that leverages the strengths of both technology and human touch, ensuring customers receive the best of both worlds.